4 Supplements To Help With Painful Periods
Like other women, my period comes every month, last 4-5 days, and I experience light cramps lasting 1-2 days. But the pain can extend a few more days in a few cases, especially when there is an underlying problem like malnourishment and/or dehydration.
When I was growing up, this was not the case, I could have whatever, whenever I wanted. The cramps were excrutiating, the flow was heavier, I was irritable, and experienced bloating, headaches, and mood swings. Sometimes, I would be nauseous.
Many friends recommended painkillers, which gave me instant relief but had other side effects like my side would hurt after the second day. Through research, I discovered that I need to take in plenty of essential minerals and vitamins during my menstrual cycle.
Actually, an Alternative Medicine gynecologist told me that a woman needs good nutrition because there is increased nutritional demand during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, and menopause.
Out of at least six doctors who has seen my "goodies", NEVER informed my that most of my problems were because I needed more vitamins and/or nutrients from healthier foods. I mean I feel in that intimate moment you're looking at my kitty and drawing my blood, you don't mention to me I'm missing important minerals that could possibly make me better and my period better. That's REALLY some BS if you ask me!!
So if you don’t want period cramps to disrupt your life, keeping you social plans, from work, and force you to stay in bed, then increase your intake of Vitamins such as vitamin B6, Vitamin D and consume more probiotic-rich foods. This is how the nutrients and vitamins support your body’s needs to alleviate painful period cramps. Here's what I know worked and has helped me have a better quality of living especially during that time of the month.
Vitamins For Our Period Are Essential to Regulate Our Menstrual Cycle aka Pain-Free Periods
The vitamin is essential for several bodily functions, such as keeping the nervous system functioning properly, improving the immune system, and regulating metabolism. The nutrient can help relieve menstrual pain and other symptoms of PMS by increasing the "happy neurotransmitters" like dopamine and serotonin.
B6 also helps make a unique type of prostaglandin (a type of chemical messanger) that women who has very uncomfortable PMS may be deficient in.
Vitamin B6 deficiency is uncommon, so women should consult the doctor before taking supplements. Otherwise, they should increase their intake of foods rich in Vitamin B6, such as starchy vegetables, non-citrus fruits, fish like salmon, tuna, liver, and other organ meats.
Vitamin B6 deficiency is uncommon, so women should consult the doctor before taking supplements. Otherwise, they should increase their intake of foods rich in Vitamin B6, such as starchy vegetables, non-citrus fruits, fish like salmon, tuna, liver, and other organ meats.
Women with painful periods can benefit greatly by consuming foods rich in vitamin D. The nutrient can help alleviate pain during periods to help you skip the over-the-counter painkillers and still feel better.
Most Period pains are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headaches and sleep problems. However, Vitamin D helps reduce prostaglandins production, the hormone-like substance that triggers the uterine contractions to shed its lining.
Increased consumption of fortified milk, fish, and eggs can increase vitamin D in your body. This can also help reduce period pains and regulate phosphorus and calcium in the body, vital for proper bone structure.
Probiotics are simply good bacteria in the body. Not knowing again that the bad things I was consuming and the good things I was NOT consuming were putting my gut health at risk which was putting my menstrual cycle at risk too.
Like vitamins, probiotics are beneficial for your digestive and vaginal health especially the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strain. And these healthy bacteria strains occur naturally in nutritional supplements and foods. Poor and malnourished gut health leads to unbalanced hormones, which affect the menstrual cycle and contribute to painful period cramps.
Hormonal imbalance caused by an imbalanced microbiome includes high estrogen levels, which lead to fluid retention in your body and bloating. It will cause PMS symptoms like heavier periods, mood swings, bloating, etc. You can eliminate these problems by consuming probiotic-rich foods like fermented foods, yogurt, cheese, and beverages such as kombucha or taking probiotic supplements.
Last but surely not least, bad cramps during our period could be because of stress and tension, in which I used to always feel stressed out. So to help calm the physical symptoms, magnesium will be your new best friend. It's called the natural relaxant because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus and reduce the prostaglandins that may be a reason for our period pains.
So then, foods rich in nutrients and essential vitamins support vital functions in your body which include easier periods. Eating healthy is a natural way of alleviating period pains and other PMS symptoms. But if you're anything like me and don't really follow ALL the rules, I use teas and pill supplements to get in the nutrients my period and technically my body needs.
One more lastly, the "EVE" Period Belt has saved me on many occasions when I feel a flare of cramps comimg down the pipe. The therapeutic heat and relaxing massage combination always have me in a state of euphoria. Don't sleep on "EVE" as she the TRUTH. Use Code in Checkout "Kitty Tips" for 15% off EVERYTHING