The Period Pain Bible | Period Pain is NOT Normal - A MUST READ

Menstrual Cycle Help

1.    How to Alleviate Period Cramps

Cramps occur during the period because the uterus contracts to allow the lining on its walls to come off and the period blood to flow out through the vagina.  You can ease the cramps by placing a heating pad like EVE Period Belt on your lower back or belly to relieve cramps in less than 10 minutes.  You can also sip Chamomile tea because it’s full of anti-inflammatory substances which inhibit prostaglandins that cause pain, thus allowing the menstrual flow without cramp pains.

2.    How Many ibuprofen should I Take for Cramps?

Taking the right dose of any medication is vital because taking above or below the recommended amount can cause unwanted side effects.  Ibuprofen is used for mild to moderate pain.  The right amount for menstrual cramps is 400 mg for adults and adults and should be between 4 and 6 hours as needed. A child with menstrual cramps should take 2 Ibuprofen 200 mg tablets.  They should take it 3 times a day for the next 3 days.  A teen that weighs above 45kg can take their first dose of 3 tablets (600mg). However using EVE Period Belt that stops cramps naturally and within minutes with no side effects is healthier than pain pills

3.    Does Chocolate Help With Period Cramps?

Yes.  Dark chocolate has a high magnesium content which helps to relieve period cramps.  It does that by relaxing muscles and halting the production of prostaglandins that signal cramps.  The presence of this relaxation nutrient helps to calm down the uterine contradictions.  It also helps to increase the production of dopamine which improves your moods.  SO dark chocolate is rich in nutrients that can ease your period cramps in addition to wearing the EVE Period Belt for fast relief.

4.    Ovira Period Pain

Noha is a device made by Ovira to relieve pain.  This device applies the Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) technology that interrupts pain signals from reaching the brain.  The advantage of using Ovira’s Noha device to stop period pain is that the wearable device gives you instant relief without using any medication because it uses therapy to prevent the period pain from reaching your brain.  As a result, there are no side effects or interruptions in your daily activities. But for a less intense device that uses heat and massage therapy, try the EVE Period Belt.

5.    Does Orgasm Help Period Cramps?

Yes.  Generally, orgasm makes a woman feel great.  It can also relieve the unbearable menstrual cramps, backache, mood swings, headache, stress, and other PMS symptoms you get during periods.  The body releases hormones such as oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine during orgasm.  Oxytocin and dopamine serve as painkillers that ease your period cramps.  Also, the blood rush in the uterus as you orgasm relieve cramps as well, as the pituitary gland and nervous system release endorphins that help you relax and sleep better. Use your EVE Period belt before doing the “do” to relax your muscles.

6.    Butt Cramps during Period

While pelvic cramps are the widely known effects of the period, they are not the only ones.  Some women experience butt and butthole pain during their period.  The reason lies with the hormones.  When the period starts, the endometrial cells or cells lining the uterus break down, releasing prostaglandins.  This hormone causes inflammation and contraction sometimes in the bowel and rectum muscles.  The increase of the rectal tissue and the bowel contractions because of prostaglandins causes butt cramps.  In other words, this hormone makes the rectal and anal area become more sensitive when you have periods. The EVE Period belt can be used on your bottom as well.

7.    Stretches for Period Cramps

You might get headaches, backache, and abdominal cramps during your period.  These symptoms can force you to stay indoors the entire day.  However, a few stretches can revive you and ease your pain.  Yoga stretches incorporate deep breathing, which eliminates the effects of oxygen deprivation in the tissues, which causes cramps.

Some of the best exercises for period cramps include forward bend with feet together and arms on the side, head-to-knee pose, supported half-moon, cobra pose, and wide-angle forward bend.  These exercise strengthens the muscles, improve flexibility and reduce stress.  However, avoid pushing to the point you feel discomfort or pain. You may wear the EVE period belt during your exercises to relax the tension.

8.    How to Relieve Period Cramps at School

A student has limited options for relieving period cramps at school.  However, they don’t have to die with pain because they can take ibuprofen for immediate relief.  They can also carry a heating pad like the EVE period belt that heats, massages all under your shirt and jacket and place it against the stomach to relieve period cramps and no one will know.  Movement and light exercise can increase blood circulation, thus reducing cramps.  Massaging essential oils and wearing EVE can relieve tension and pain.  Students should also remember to wear loose, comfortable clothing as well as stay warm.

9.    Do Tampons Cause Cramps?

No.  Tampons don’t cause you period cramps because they happen when your body releases prostaglandins responsible for uterus contractions, inflammation, and pain.  These activities take place inside your body, further deep than where your tampon can reach.

However, tampons can contribute to pain that resembles menstrual cramps in other ways.  They can cause toxic shock syndrome.  Although rare due to upgraded tampon design, it can cause infection, which leads to high fever, or sunburn-like rash, so change tampons every 4-8 hours.  Gastrointestinal or gynecological issues can cause pain in your lower belly when you insert tampons.  Also, using the wrong tampon size can cause literal pain when you insert it but not period cramp. Wearing your EVE period belt can also decrease pain while wearing tampons as it relaxes the uterus where the cramps happen.

10. What Causes Cramps during Period?

Period cramps happen when your uterus contract to expel its lining.  These uterine muscle contractions are triggered by prostaglandins which cause pain and inflammation.  The pain can range from mild to severe and may include pressure or pain in your belly, inner thighs, lower back, and hips.  Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

11. How Long Do Period Cramps Last?

Generally, the period cramp begins when bleeding starts.  However, some women experience cramps a few days before their period starts.  Usually, period cramps last between 48 to 72 hours.  It can also extend for some, especially when they have heavy bleeding.  It’s expected that period cramps will improve as women age or have children, and there is no underlying cause.  What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

12. PCOS Symptoms

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) refers to a hormonal disorder that occurs when ovaries release higher amounts of androgens.  This male sex hormone is present in women in small amounts, but numerous small cysts or fluid-filled sacs form in the ovaries when abnormal amounts are released.

Some PCOS symptoms include:

  • Prolonged or infrequent menstrual periods
  • Large ovaries or many cysts
  • Body hairs on the chest, back, or stomach
  • Oily skin or acne
  • Infertility
  • Male pattern baldness and thinning hair

13. Does ibuprofen Help Period Cramps

Pain reliever such as ibuprofen can ease your period cramps when taken at a regular dose at the beginning of the period and up to 2-3 days afterward or until you feel better.  The anti-inflammatory medicine reduces prostaglandin levels that cause severe period cramps and heavier bleeding.  Therefore ibuprofen is an effective first-line treatment option for women with painful periods.

14. Period pain Simulator

Period simulators are also called transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machines designed to ease pain or work as pain relief mechanisms during painful cramps.  Additionally, one can artificially create menstruation cramps like pain using TENS by delivering electrical impulses to the skin surface.

15. Left Ovary Pain during Period

Ovaries are positioned in the lower abdomen, so ovarian pain is felt in the lower abdomen and pelvis.  Ovarian cysts can cause ovarian pain based on the side in which the fluid-filled sacs are located.  While ovarian cysts can dissolve independently, they can cause sharp pain or a dull ache when they get large or rupture. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

The ovarian tumor can form the same way it does in other body parts.  The tumor can be malignant or benign can cause bloating, constipation, diarrhea, pressure, and pain in the abdomen based on the side it’s located.

16. Best Tea for Menstrual Cramps

At times menstrual cramps can be a serious issue to the extent of interfering with daily life.  The good news is that herbal teas can help alleviate these painful cramps.  Such tea includes:

Ginger Tea: It’s rich in pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties; thus, it reduces pain and inflammation when taken orally or inform of tea.

Chamomile Tea: It has anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve menstrual cramps.

Cinnamon Tea: It is a natural healing agent because it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-fungal properties, which ease menstrual pain and aid in digestion.

Green Tea: The tea alleviates pain and boosts your energy levels.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

17. Tylenol for Period Cramps

Tylenol (acetaminophen) can help reduce the period pain threshold.  However, the pain reliever doesn’t affect prostaglandins level in the body.  It also takes around 45 minutes to start working.  This can cause a woman experiencing severe cramps to take a higher dose.  However, taking a higher dose can be harmful.

18. What Can Help with Period Cramps?

Period cramps cause discomfort around the lower abdomen, back, and thighs.  The following are some ways of getting fast relief.

Take Over-the-Counter Medications: ibuprofen and naproxen are anti-inflammatory medicines that help to reduce pain.

Use Heating Pad: Heat therapy reduces period cramps by improving blood flow and alleviating pelvic pain.

Massage with Essential Oils: Massage specific points using essential oils such as lavender, fennel, rose, or peppermint.

Have an Orgasm: Vaginal orgasm triggers the body to secrete endorphins and oxytocin, which decreases pain perception

Eat Healthy Foods: Avoid salty or fatted foods, caffeine, alcohol, or carbonated beverages.

19. Unbearable Period Pain

Some women get painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea.  Usually, prostaglandin is the hormone that causes the uterus to contract in order to expel the lining.  The contractions can cause inflammation and pain.

The unbearable period of pain may result from an underlying medical condition like endometriosis, fibroids, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and much more.  It’s advisable to make an appointment with a healthcare provider when you get unbearable period pain.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

20. Why Do I have Period Cramps but no Period?

Some women get pelvic pain coupled with cramping, yet there is no period.  Some of the contributing factors include pregnancy, cyst, and even cancer.  Further, a severe change in the bowel movements such as diarrhea and constipation can make you feel like your period is about to start, yet it is not.

Another reason is ovulation which happens between 10-14 days prior to your period.  The process of ovaries releasing an egg and getting your body ready for a possible pregnancy can cause a harmless twinge of moderate pain or discomfort. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

21. Heating Pads for Cramps

Taking a hot bath and, if not possible, placing a heating pad on the lower part of your abdomen or back can ease period cramps.  The pad supplies heat to your uterine muscles, which increases blood flow, relaxes the contractions, and alleviates pain.

22. Portable Heating Pad for Cramps

The portable heating pad has a battery that allows you to access instant and extended heat therapy as you continue with your day-to-today life.  You can wear this portable heating pad to relieve aches on the back, menstrual cramps, or any other stomach discomfort.

23. Period Cramps on One Side

You might experience a dull cramp or sharp and sudden pain on one side of your lower belly due to ovulation.  The side of the pain may depend on the ovary releasing its egg and can switch from side to side each month.  Still, the pain can strike the same place every month.

Additionally, a cyst can cause your ovary to twist and choke off the blood flow leading to a condition known as ovarian torsion.  This causes sharp pain on one side and can be a real medical emergency.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

24. Period Cramps after Covid Vaccine

Most of the Covid-19 vaccine’s side effects are mild.  Vaginal bleeding and menstrual cycles are usually not among the listed negative effects of the life-saving vaccines.  However, some women have complained about it.  Health experts say that the change in the menstrual cycle or other side effects result from immune response, which can cause stress, which is known for disrupting the menstrual cycle.

25. Period Cramps that Feel Like Labor Pains

Prostaglandins is the hormone that triggers the uterus to contract.  This decreases blood flow as well as oxygen in your uterus, which causes pain and discomfort equivalent to labor pains.  So the jabbing cramps happen as the uterine muscle tightens and relaxes.  You can take over-the-counter medications to relieve this discomfort.  It’s advisable to talk to a doctor when the pain persists in order to ascertain that there is no underlying reason behind it. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.


26. How to Get Rid of Period Cramps Fast in Bed

You can reduce period cramps in bed by doing the following.

  • Do a few yoga stretches to help the body relax and fall asleep
  • Experience a more Serene Period EVERYmonth from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.
  • Sleep on the side and tuck in your legs and arms
  • Give your bedroom a cool sleeping climate by keeping the temperature between 60 and 68 degrees.

27. Pressure Points for Period Cramps

Acupressure can bring relief in any situation, thus a perfect period hack.  The technique is derived from Chinese traditional medicine.  It involves putting pressure on specific points on the body to relieve period pain.  You can press, hold and repeat on spots such as between the base of your thumb or index finger.  Pressing the two points alternatively and then switching to the other hand can help reduce pain.

28. Why Do I Have Cramps but Still no Period?

Some women get cramps and pelvic pain even when they don’t have any blood flow due to factors such as pregnancy, constipation, cysts, or even cancer.  You can talk to your doctor to find out whether the cramps result from a simple or serious underlying factor.

29. What Makes Period Cramps Go Away?

Heat therapy can make period cramps go away.  You can introduce the heat to the body by taking a hot bath, heating pad, hot water bottle, or heat wrap.  Ibuprofen is a pain reliever that can ease the period cramps and allow you to continue with your daily activities.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

30. Why Am I Getting Cramps After My Period

Prostaglandins is the chemical that causes period cramps.  The uterine contractions might continue a day or more after the period has ended due to a reproductive disorder, endometriosis, or fibroids.  It’s important to talk to your doctor when the condition persists. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

31. What Helps with Period Cramps

Period cramps are really painful and uncomfortable.  It happens because your uterus is contracting to remove the lining on the walls of your uterus.  The following can help ease period cramps.

  • Take over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen, naproxen or Tylenol.
  • Engage in light exercise.
  • Have an orgasm
  • Experience a more Serene Period EVERYmonth from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.
  • Eat a balanced diet

32. Cramps after Period is Over

Cramps can continue when the period is over due to a condition called secondary dysmenorrhea.  They occur due to reproductive disorders.  These cramps usually start before the period begins, intensify during your period and continue after it ends.  Although these cramps are not generally serious, they can signal an underlying disorder if they persist. The EVE period belts anytime you have pain with or without your period.

33. Period Cramps Medicine

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs can help relieve period cramps.  These include naproxen, ibuprofen, and Tylenol.  Taking these pain relievers before the period begins can help control your cramp pain. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

34. How to Get Period Cramps to Go Away

Cramps can start before and during your period.  You can ease mild to moderate period cramps using the following remedies.

  • Use a heat patch
  • Massage the tummy with essential oils such as sage, lavender, rose, clove, or cinnamon
  • Take pain reliever
  • Do light aerobic exercise
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

35. What Helps with Bad Period Cramps

Menstrual cramps can be painful as your uterus contracts.  You can ease the severe period cramps in the following ways.

  • EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.
  • Have an orgasm
  • Engage in a light exercise

36. Is it Normal to have Cramps before Period

It’s normal to get light twinges of pain before your period.  The body releases prostaglandins that trigger your uterus to start contracting in order to shed off the lining around its walls.  The squeezing or the intense pressure before may be minor and will increase during the period.  However, you should speak to your doctor when you experience intense cramping.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.


37. Does Exercise Help Period Cramps

Exercising during a painful period may seem uncomfortable at this time.  However, engaging in physical exercises such as brisk walking or light jogging can alleviate period symptoms like headaches, back pain, and more.  These activities improve blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, including the uterus.  A brisk walk can help the body secretes endorphins which enhances your mood. Wear your EVE period belt with heat and massage for further relief.

38. How to Get Rid of Period Cramps Fast

Heat therapy is one of the faster ways of getting rid of period cramps.  You can supply heat to your lower abdomen and back using a hot water bottle, heating pad, heat wrap, or hot towel.  Alternatively, you can take a hot bath and add a drop of essential oils to the bathing water.  But the heat from the EVE period belt helps your uterine muscles relax, increase blood flow, and ease the menstrual cramps while massaging away the tension.

39. Best Medicine for Period Cramps

Pain relievers can help alleviate period cramps faster.  You can take the over-the-counter medication a couple of days before and during the period or until the pain is gone. Some of the pain relievers include ibuprofen, naproxen, Tylenol or ketoprofen. These anti-inflammatory medications are available without a prescription and can help reduce the level of prostaglandins.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

40. How to Reduce Period Cramps

It’s never fun to have period cramps because they cause annoying symptoms like sleep disturbances, food cravings, mood changes, bloating, fatigue and pain.  You can relieve the period cramps using the following remedies.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

  • Take a pain reliever
  • Apply heat to your back and abdomen using a heating pad, hot water bottle, or take a hot bath
  • Do exercises such as jogging, walking, or yoga stretches
  • Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Enjoy herbal tea
  • Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

41. Cramps with No Period

Some women get pelvic pain and cramps, yet they don’t have their period because of conditions such as ovulation, pregnancy, constipation, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or even cancer.  It’s important to talk to your doctor when the cramp pains persist. Most women would love no period but to still have cramps sucks but the EVE period belts works on ghost cramps too.

42. What Helps Period Cramps

Getting period cramps every month can be frustrating.  The following remedies can help you relieve mild to moderate pain.

  • Drink herbal teas such as chamomile, ginger, or fennel tea
  • Eat healthy foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruits, herbs, and spices
  • Experience a more Serene Period EVERYmonth from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.
  • Engage in gentle exercise relax the muscles
  • Take over-the-counter medicines

43. Portable Heating Pad for Cramps

This heating waist belt is worn to quickly supply heat around the abdomen and back to ease period cramps.  This type does not have tangling wire.  It’s stylish and discreet and can be worn on your air travels or work.  It’s weightless and ultra-thin, so you can wear and continue your daily chores and activities.  It doesn’t reveal a single bunch or bump.

44. Is it Safe to Use a Heating Pad During Pregnancy

It’s not wrong to use a heating pad to ease pregnancy-related pains and aches, especially on the back, joints, and hips.  However, you shouldn’t use it for more than 20 minutes or fall asleep with it.  Other alternatives are a hot water bottle or a microwaveable heat pack.  So it’s safe to use it during pregnancy, but you must follow proper precautions.

45. Best Heating Pad for Menstrual Cramps

There is a wide range of heating pads in the market.  What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

Electric Heating Pad for Menstrual Cramps

The electric heating pad provides heat to soothe your period cramps.  You can use it for about 10-30 minutes to warm your uterine muscles and relieve pain due to increased blood flow and oxygen circulation.  Unlike hot water bottles, our EVE period belt works instantly with a relaxing massage to take the tension away.  You should start on the lowest possible level and slowly adjust the heat intensity.

46. Heating Pads for Cramps Amazon

The leading eCommerce brand has a host of heating pads for cramps.  They include an electric heating pad, cordless heating pad, waist belt device, and much more.  The majority of these devices are retailed below $50, and manufacturers some of the world’s leading companies to help women enjoy their period. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

47. Heating Pad for Cramps Walmart

The retail giant Walmart sells a wide range of heating pads for menstrual cramps.  They include heat patches, warm sticker-lasting heating heat patches, ThermaCare therapeutic heat wraps, portable cordless heating pads, and more.  Most of the heating pads on the Walmart inventory are retailing below $50.

48. Where to Put Heating Pad for Cramps

You can put the heating pads on the lower abdomen or lower pack.  However, since cramps are mostly felt on the abdomen, placing the heating pad on that spot can be difficult.  In that case, you can put it on the lower back.

What if we could experience a more Serene Period EVERY month from now on using a more healthier, holistic, therapeutic approach using the EVE period belt that stops cramps instantly.

49. How Long Can I Use a Heating Pad for Cramps

This varies from one individual to the other.  You can start with 15 minutes and slowly increase the heat and time as you get used to your heating pad.  However, using a heating pad for more than 20 minutes at ago can cause burns or cause the skin to turn red. Be sure to try the EVE period belt for instantly relief of period cramps. Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.

50. Heating Pad for Cramps Target

There are different types of heating pads that you can use to ease period cramps.  Some are machine washable, cordless, lap pad, or with compact storage.  Whatever the type of heating pad you will acquire, the goal is to supply heat to the lower abdomen to improve the flow of blood and relieve cramp pain.

51. Thermacare Heating Pad for Cramps

ThermaCare Menstrual is a HeatWrap that supplies soothing heat to your lower abdomen for up to 8 hours.  The heat relaxes contracting uterine muscles, thus relieving period pain.  However, it might cause burns or skin irritation and you have to keep applying the wrap and replacing them is costly, but the EVE period belt works by charging with usb.  Instantly relief of period cramps and Its so discreet no one will know you’re on your period with pain.