Manifest the Man of Your Dreams or Anything Else You Want
I want to share with you the process I've used to manifest incredible relationships with family members (I couldn't stand before), friends who match my positive vibes and even my Hunny Bunny, who is 80% of everything I asked for in a man. I believe with hope that you can have success in all your relationships too but more specifically with the love of your life with my suggestions. This process can be used to achieve anything and everything you want NOT just a man.
Everyone's talking more and more these days about manifesting — ways to use your mindset to create the life you truly want. While some people are still in disbelief in transforming their thoughts into their own reality, I've personally experienced great success from using this tool.
Before we started, let me say the biggest thing that I keep in mind when I'm talking to someone about manifesting is: You are in complete control of your life. Take charge and watch how much better life will get!
Here are my four powerful steps that is required to manifest the man of your dreams. Now don't laugh, I am telling you, this ISH works. I was a domestic violence victim until I took charge of my life when I was 25yo and started going after all the impossible goals I didn't even know was possible. Every man that I dated after that horrific marriage, was 1000 times better than my ex.
And as I mentioned earlier, the man I have now is the man I put together in my thoughts, wrote down what I love about each ex (not what I hated as we do not think about the bad, only the good) and imagined "MY DREAM FELLA" being kind, loving, and who wanted the best for. BAAAAAAABYYYYY....all I'm going to say is.... Follow these steps, keep your eye on the desired outcome, and anything you want can be yours.
When you are committed and focused on a goal, the more likely you'll achieve exactly if not better than what you desired. The exact same commitment goes for love; when you are committed to finding and having an amazing relationship, I promise on everything, you're going to have it.
Every achievement starts with your own commitment, no one else's. So right now in this moment, promise yourself to that love will find you. This is half of what you need to get you anything you desire or to achieve your goals.
You must first know exactly what you want in order to manifest what you do want.
OK so, what are the qualities you desire in your dream man? Like I mentioned, I wanted someone who was kind, loving and adored me, wanting to see me happy at all times. Are these the qualities you need? Someone who wants to support his woman (not financially) but in her goals and accepts all of you, even the crazy side? LOL!! Someone who truly believes in you?
Beautiful. Go make that list of all these qualities you want and keep adding until the list is full or you run out of adjectives. Now this is one of the most important parts...FEEEEEL who this man or woman is. Like really have a daydream as if he was in the room with you. When you can feel him in your space, the one who has the qualities you've always loved and wanted (before he or she even shows up), then you are getting closer-closer to him or her being there.
This step is really crucial for this to work; you can only manifest qualities that you also possess. In fact, we always manifest exactly what we are.

If you want a good caring partner, then you have to be a good caring person in the world. If you want a man who is not mean and selfish, you have to be a woman who is not mean and selfish. You want him going after his goals, then you must be an achiever as well. This is not an opposites attract thing, this is attracting what you are!
Most people who usually go wrong with this step is they want a person to take care of them in a way that they aren't taking care of themselves. For example, you want someone who thinks you look good in those jeans because you don't believe you look good in those jeans, then this will absolutely never work.
Stop trying to fill what you think you're missing in life with another person, be the things, the woman you desire first. This will help speed up the process of getting to the right person at the right time.
This one step is difficult for most people — you have to feel the results in your being, your spirit.... before that thing or person actually arrives.
Simply put.... you must feel fabulous right now. You are trying to manifest a relationship here that feels absolutely fabulous! You got to to feel loved, appreciated and cherished right now, if you truly want to feel that way with your new boo when he comes!
The secret to create the life you love is that most don't realize is it happens from the inside-out not from the outside of our being. When we find beauty, passion, magnificence and drive within yourself, then the all things life, people, experiences, opportunities starts to experience you that way, too. And this is the key to manifest everything that you want and desire. You begin to recognize that it ALL starts within you and you ONLY!
YASSSSSS...Believe in yourself. Believe in good love. Believe in having the healthy happy relationship you deserve and want. When use the power within you, believing and knowing that you can be, do and have anything you f-ing desire, there is no other option but for it to show up right in front of you. This means this can be used for manifesting your perfect body, your dream job or business, the financial success or a better outlook on life....ANY F-ING THING YOU WANT IS YOURS.
I am living proof that this stuff really works. If you've never tried it, don't knock it until you try it. Try something new if the old stuff not working. I promise 3-6 months from now you'll be thanking me. Come back and shoot me a message about your new found love or any success you manifested following my guide.
By the way, I am Tawanna, one of the creators of V-Love and you're reading this is also a manifestation come true for me and my team. I truly appreciate you from the bottom of my heart for joining us. I hope this journey with all the powerful tips we've sent have been helpful in some way.